IoT Digital Twins in the Consumer Retail Industry

Internet of Products, Internet of Things (IOT)

With the rise of connected systems and devices, all businesses are undergoing a transformation. This fourth industrial revolution underlined by a combination of digital and physical systems as well as IoT, is playing a key role in this regard & generating data to bring down the marginal cost of delivering goods & services in a […]

How Smart Products are Shaping Today’s Consumer Retail

Internet of Products, Internet of Things (IOT)

Automation, smarter systems, and processes are emerging in almost all aspects of CPG retail. With consumer retail technology undergoing dynamic shifts to the digital, everyday objects are turning into smart objects. A Smart Product is a product that maintains information about itself and the context to enable new digital processes and capabilities. Everyday products can […]

Can IoT Platforms Help Solve the Food Waste Problem?

Internet of Things (IOT)

According to the statistics by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 1/3rd of the total food produced for human consumption goes to waste. This accounts for more than 1.5 billion tonnes of food going to waste in the world today which is a staggering number! As per the Economic Research Survey (ERS), United States Department […]

Packaged Food Consumers Hungry for More Product Information – Are Brands Delivering?

Retail Technology

Food product information delivery to consumers has been a trending topic in recent days. The first two weeks of June have been action packed as far as the packaged food industry goes and the undeniable growing trend of consumers wanting to know more about the food products they consume. A decade ago, a consumer’s knowledge […]