Create Physical NFTs with Unclonable, Verifiable NFC Tags


Pair your physical products, assets & collectibles with NFTs minted on the blockchain, Qliktag digital links & secure unclonable NFC tags to enable your products to participate in Web3

Creating New Generation Digitally Traded Physical Products with NFT + NFC

Qliktag offers creators, designers, marketplaces & brands  a one-stop, complete technology solution to pair physical assets, exclusive products or collectibles with digital NFTs minted on the blockchain. Combining the unclonable secure NFC tags which ensure authenticity of the physical asset and digital ownership verification of the NFT digitally linked with that asset for immutable ownership, physical custody & provenance, Qliktag enables physical products to particpate in the rapidly growing new web3 realm of digitally owned & traded physical assets / collectibles. 

Cree NFT Físicos con Etiquetas NFC Seguras que no se Pueden Clonar

Physical Products that are Non-Fungible & Unique


Tokenizar productos físicos con blockchain NFT y NFC

With the Qliktag platform, each instance of a product, collectible or physical asset when added to the platform is automatically tokenized with an off-chain internal identifier maintained by the platform along with other attributes like the serial number, item name, description and other attributes you can custom define. Each of these individual item instances can be linked to an NFT by adding the NFT token ID, contract address, contract type and selecting the blockchain it is on. The system generates a unique digital link URL for each item instance which is encoded into a secure NXP NTAG 424 DNA NFC tag applied to the product which generates dynamic changing keys on each tap that can not be cloned. Essentially, create physical NFTs with ease.

When the consumer has physical custody of the product, they can tap the NFC tag to verify the product is original, authentic and linked to the NFT token. They can also go a step further and verify ownership in which case, the system will connect to their NFT wallet on their device (with permission) and verify ownership of the physical NFT / product. Based on the verification other experiences can be locked or unlocked to the user opening a world of possibilities.

Pair real-world products, physical assets & collectibles with NFT tokens on the blockchain 

Create secure & verifiable links between the physical product & digital NFT with unclonable NFC tags

Enable innovative digital experiences which can only be activated in the presence of the original physical product

Unlock functionality, content & experiences exclusively to verified owners of the NFT through the NFC enabled physical item

Complete solution with software platform, tags, tag encoding hardware, digital experience designer & new features in frequent releases