Create Unique & Individualized Digitally Interactive Products


Enhance your products by making them more personalized, engaging, interactive & more valuable to the digitally native generation of consumers with Qliktag

Digital Transformation of Products & Value Addition With Qliktag

Product digitization is inevitable. The present generation of consumers are digital natives. They grew up with the internet, technology & it is an integral part of their lifestyle and personal identities. They want products that are unique, individualized, authentic, safe, interactive, experiential, sustainable & reflect their own beliefs, values and digital identity.

In addition to creating verifiable, unclonable & secure  digital links between the physical product and the digital world, the Qliktag Platform offers you to design interactive digital experiences and value adding digital features to your physical product, assets or collectibles. Whether you have a luxury handbag, designer dress, fan merchandise, artwork, products that feature in the metaverse, movies or games, Qliktag offers you the tools to create augmented digital value adds to your existing physical products so they are worth more to the new generation of consumers.

Creating Unique Digitally Augmented Products with NFC - Product Digitization with Qliktag

What is the Digital Value Add Vision for Your Products?

digitally augmented product - product digitization - digital transformation of products

Imagine using a phone to tap an NFC chip embedded in a guitar once owned by Jimi Hendrix. The tap authenticates you are the current owner and unlocks exclusive concert footage which features that very guitar, unreleased audio from the past recorded with this instrument and documents validating it once belonged to Jimi Hendrix. This can increase the value of the item to whoever would own this item.

What digital experiences, extensions or features would you add to your products to make them more valuable?

Augment your physical product with unique digital features specific to an individual product instance

Create digital add-ons, features and interactions with the drag & drop digital experience designer tool

Configure custom data models, attributes based on your specific product, innovative ideas / use cases

Design context driven experiences based on authenticity, ownership, physical custody, location, delivery etc.

Complete solution with software platform, tags, tag encoding hardware, digital experience designer & new features in frequent releases