Qliktag First SmartLabel® Platform to Support GS1 Digital Link

NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. (PRWEB) FEBRUARY 17, 2021 Qliktag Software Inc. the developers of have announced that its Qliktag Platform is the first platform to support GS1 Digital Link as a means for consumers and other stakeholders to access SmartLabel®. The Qliktag Platform is an enterprise grade SaaS platform for enabling everyday consumer products and items as […]

Qliktag Software Launches GS1 Digital Link Configuration & Management for Digitalized Consumer Products
News, Newsroom

Newport Beach, California, January 26th, 2021 – Qliktag Software Inc., a leading IoT platform company for smart connected everyday consumer products has announced the release of version 3.2 of the Qliktag Platform which features direct support for resolving GS1 Digital Links.   The GS1 Digital Link is a much-anticipated new age upgrade to the standard […]

What Would Data Modelling Requirements for a Covid-19 Vaccine Ready for Distribution & Delivery Look Like?
Internet of Things (IOT)

As news around the successful clinical trials of frontrunner candidates for the Covid-19 vaccines brought something positive to look forward to, conversations are now turning towards the manufacturing, distribution and delivery of the vaccines. The scale of the task that lies ahead, planning, mobilizing resources, putting in place infrastructure required, providing the information required and […]

Why This May be the Opportune Moment for Brands to start Product Digitization
Connected Packaging, Internet of Products

In the recent weeks, we’ve had some really interesting conversations with brands, consulting companies working on behalf of consumer goods companies, brands and manufacturers around their interest in implementing solutions which require some level of product digitization. These discussions have revolved around using “connected product” technology to address counterfeiting issues, enabling authentication to build trust […]

Qliktag Platform Releases NFC Authentication & Anti-Counterfeiting Solutions Support Feature

NEWPORT BEACH, California, September 5, 2020 – Qliktag Software Inc. a leading software innovator in the IoT smart connected products segment has announced direct support for dynamic secure NFC tags for authentication and anti-counterfeit solutions. The company has released today version 3.1.1 of the Qliktag Platform – a cloud based IoT connected smart products platform for […]

What Good is all that Automation, Digital Transformation & Data if Consumers Don’t See it?
Connected Packaging

The more people I’ve heard from within various consumer product companies, the more impressed I am with just how far we’ve come with digital transformation, automation and the ability to generate data and use it to drive smarter businesses and processes. In just the last few months, I’ve come across companies that have collated detailed […]

Why Digital Product Identity is Key to Recycling & Circular Economy Solutions
Internet of Things (IOT)

The drive towards recycling and developing circular economy solutions has been accelerated by consumer consciousness, sustainability awareness and also the wider digitalization and Industry 4.0 movement. There more conversations happening around textile recycling within the fashion and apparel industry, plastics and packaging recycling in the food and beverages industry, electronic waste recycling in the consumer […]

Qliktag Software Releases Latest SmartLabel® Version 2.2 for Platform Users

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., May 5, 2020  — Qliktag Software Inc. a leading software innovator has announced the release of the latest version 2.2 specification SmartLabel® as one of the key new features on the latest release of its Qliktag Platform. The Qliktag Platform is a cloud based IoT connected smart products platform for enabling trust in everyday […]

Why Product Serialization is a Key Step Towards Digital Transformation
Connected Packaging

Today most consumer products have barcodes or identifiers at an item SKU level, manufacturing batch level and pallet level which allow them to be identified and tracked through the supply chain. These are tied to an ERP system from the product manufacturers end, distributors systems separately and POS systems used by retailers and the visibility […]

Industry 4.0 Without Connected Smart Products & Smart Packaging is an Incomplete Picture
Connected Packaging

Industry 4.0 or the 4th industrial revolution is shaping rapidly in several core areas. The Smart Factory has taken off globally and combined with IoT and autonomous robots the shift in manufacturing is well under way. Supply chains have evolved tremendously and data is driving this new era. However, a number of manufacturers while plotting […]

The Potential of SmartLabel® to Enable Trust in E-commerce & Online Purchases

The SmartLabel® initiative by the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) and the Food Marketing Institute (FMI) has made some progress since its inception in 2015. The SmartLabel® branding and scannable QR code can be instantly recognized on a number of grocery product packages picked up off the shelves today albeit, commonly products manufactured by the largest […]