NFC and QR Codes make Museums Come Alive

Genoa’s Wolfsoniana Museum will now woo visitors by offering them an immersive experience, thanks to the use of NFC and QR code tags on 11 of its artworks. The museum is part of the PALM-Cities Project, which is researching the various ways in which NFC and other contactless technology can be used to distribute personalized […]

Hointer Changes the Customer Experience with NFC tags

Hointer has pioneered creative retail uses of NFC and QR codes for improving customer experience. [Image: Hointer] Seattle-based fashion retailer Hointer’s NFC tags create an improved and seamless customer experience. Instead of relying on shop assistants, customers are now able to select garments they want to try simply by tapping NFC-enabled tags on the clothes. Once they […]

Do You Know Your Customer?

Question 1: Do you know what kind of products your customers usually buy and what their purchase preferences are? Question 2: Do you believe that you need to know the answer to the above question if you wish to provide better, more personalized service to your customers? Question 3: Do you also believe that by […]

Customer Data Analysis for Greater Engagement

A recent article about why we need to “kill Big Data” made a few waves on social networks. It piqued many people’s curiosity and its assertions bothered a lot of people.  Most criticized it for failing to say something new or revolutionary. However, it did make one very interesting point – It’s no longer about […]